Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting

Monthly Board of Trustees Meeting


Board of Trustees’ Regular Scheduled Meeting
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 – 12:30 p.m.
Via Video Conferencing:  Zoom & YouTube
A  G  E  N  D A
I.   Determination of Quorum
II.  Proof of Due Notice of Meeting: 
  1. Notice: 5 Working Days, DOA/PDSC/Guam PDN  - Tuesday, February 21, 2023
  2. Notice: 48 Hours, DOA/PDSC/Guam PDN - Friday, February 24, 2023
 III. Approval of Minutes:  Regular Scheduled Meeting of January 24, 2022 
IV.  Old Business
  1. Financial Status Update / Allotment Releases (PDSC, APD, CLC )
  2. Report from PDSC Executive Director 
  3. Report from APD Managing Attorney
  4. Report from EJC Managing Attorney
  5. Attorney Pay Parity
  6. Conflict of Interest (SOP)
V.  New Business
  1. Board Resolution Commending Cynthia V. Ecube for her service and dedication as a Trustee to the PDSC Board of Trustees
  2. Board Resolution Commending Justice F. Philip Carbullido for his service as a Chairman to the PDSC Board of Trustees
VI.  Public Discussion

VII.  Adjournment and Next Meeting Date: Tuesday, March 25, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. via Zoom / YouTube  /  PDSC Conference Room.

The meeting will be held via video conferencing and a link to the meeting is available through the PDSC website (guampdsc. org) or PDSC YouTube Channel  A workstation is set up in the Corporation’s lobby for any member of the public who would like to observe and offer comments.

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