2023 Island Leadership Day

2023 Island Leadership Day


Calling all of Guam’s Middle and High School students interested in participating in the Department of Youth Affairs Island Leadership Day. For one day, participants will be youth counterparts to Guam’s leaders in the Government of Guam, Legislature, and Mayors Offices. This experience will provide our island’s future workforce with a glimpse of the day-to-day operations and skill sets required for a high-functioning and responsive government. This event is scheduled to take place on April 27, 2023, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Registration forms have been provided to school administrators; each school can register up to five students for Island Leadership Day. The only exception are schools with combined “all through” grade levels. Interested students must coordinate with their school administration to submit their registration forms to DYA by 5:00 p.m. on March 31, 2023.
This Administration believes in giving our youth every opportunity to succeed and supports positive youth development as a means to build a vibrant future for all.  DYA promotes Youth Month every April by hosting youth empowerment activities such as the Oratorical Contest and Island Leadership Day. DYA conducts the Oratorical Contest to decide who will be awarded the most coveted role of Youth Governor and Youth Lieutenant Governor during Island Leadership Day. All other student participants will be partnered with leaders throughout the Government of Guam, to include the Guam Legislature, Judiciary and the Mayors Council.

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