The following business will be transacted:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of June 5, 2023
3. Guam Power Authority
• GPA Docket 23-15, Petition for Approval to Increase the Amount of Award for GPA’s Physical Security Proof of Concept, ALJ
Report, and Proposed Order
• GPA Docket 23-09, Petition Requesting Approval to Adjust the Power Pole Attachment Rate, ALJ Report, and Proposed Order
• GPA Docket 23-17, Petition to Approve the EPCM, Phase I,
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Pre-Development Study, Scope, and
Costs, ALJ Report, and Proposed Order
4. Guam Waterworks Authority
• GWA Docket 23-06, Petition to Approve the Reallocation of Bond Proceeds, ALJ Report, and Proposed Order
• GWA Docket 23-07, Petition to Approve the Procurement for Design, Design Construction, and Project/Construction Management for GWA Sewage Pump Stations and Force Main Rehabilitation and Replacements, PUC Counsel Report, and Proposed Order
5. Administrative Matters
• GPA Filing of 2nd Quarter Report on Revenue Bond Usages (GPA Dockets 10-01 & 14-09, for Informational Purposes only)
• GPA Filing of Quarterly Reliability Report (GPA Docket 13-13, for
Informational Purposes only)
6. Adjournment
Further information about the meeting may be obtained from the PUC’s Administrator Lou Palomo at 671-472-1907. Those persons who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services to attend the meeting should also contact Ms. Palomo.
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of June 5, 2023
3. Guam Power Authority
• GPA Docket 23-15, Petition for Approval to Increase the Amount of Award for GPA’s Physical Security Proof of Concept, ALJ
Report, and Proposed Order
• GPA Docket 23-09, Petition Requesting Approval to Adjust the Power Pole Attachment Rate, ALJ Report, and Proposed Order
• GPA Docket 23-17, Petition to Approve the EPCM, Phase I,
Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) Pre-Development Study, Scope, and
Costs, ALJ Report, and Proposed Order
4. Guam Waterworks Authority
• GWA Docket 23-06, Petition to Approve the Reallocation of Bond Proceeds, ALJ Report, and Proposed Order
• GWA Docket 23-07, Petition to Approve the Procurement for Design, Design Construction, and Project/Construction Management for GWA Sewage Pump Stations and Force Main Rehabilitation and Replacements, PUC Counsel Report, and Proposed Order
5. Administrative Matters
• GPA Filing of 2nd Quarter Report on Revenue Bond Usages (GPA Dockets 10-01 & 14-09, for Informational Purposes only)
• GPA Filing of Quarterly Reliability Report (GPA Docket 13-13, for
Informational Purposes only)
6. Adjournment
Further information about the meeting may be obtained from the PUC’s Administrator Lou Palomo at 671-472-1907. Those persons who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services to attend the meeting should also contact Ms. Palomo.