Monthly Board of Trustees' Meeting

Monthly Board of Trustees' Meeting


Board of Trustees’ Regular Scheduled Meeting
Tuesday, October 24, 2023 – 12:30 p.m.
Via Video Conferencing:  Zoom & YouTube
A  G  E  N  D A
I.    Call to Order
II.   Roll Call
III.  Determination of Quorum
IV.  Proof of Due Notice of Meeting:
A.  Notice:  5 Working Days, DOA/PDSC/Guam PDN            October 17, 2023        
B.   Notice:  48 Hours, DOA/PDSC/Guam PDN                      October 20, 2023
V.   Approval of Minutes:  Regular Scheduled Meeting of October 3, 2023
VI. Old Business
A.    Financial Status Update / Allotment Releases (PDSC, APD, CLC )
B.    Report from PDSC Executive Director                                  
C.    Report from APD Managing Attorney                                                        
D.    Report from EJC Managing Attorney                                                       
E.    Client Income Guidelines   (EXHIBIT A)
F.     Attorney Pay Plan    (EXHIBIT B)
VII. New Business
A.     Above Step Recruitment (Attorney M. Tarleton)    (EXHIBIT C)
VIII.  Public Discussion
IX.    Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:  Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 12:30 p.m. via Zoom / YouTube / PDSC Conference Room
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