NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Guam Public Utilities Commission [PUC] will conduct a regular business meeting, commencing at 6:30 p.m. on February 29, 2024, Suite 703, GCIC Building, 414 W. Soledad Ave., Hagatna.
The following business will be transacted:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of January 25, 2024
3. Guam Waterworks Authority
4. Guam Power Authority
5. Administrative Matters
6. Adjournment
Further information about the meeting may be obtained from the PUC’s Administrator Lourdes R. Palomo at 671-472-1907. Those persons who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services to attend the meeting should also contact Mrs. Palomo.
This Notice is paid for by the Guam Public Utilities Commission
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Guam Public Utilities Commission [PUC] will conduct a regular business meeting, commencing at 6:30 p.m. on February 29, 2024, Suite 703, GCIC Building, 414 W. Soledad Ave., Hagatna.
The following business will be transacted:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of January 25, 2024
3. Guam Waterworks Authority
- GWA Docket 19-08: Petition to Approve a New Rate Design Structure; Concentric Energy Advisors Report; ALJ Report; and Proposed Order
4. Guam Power Authority
- GPA Docket No. 24-11: Petition of the Guam Power Authority to Approve the Relocation of the Yigo Diesel Generators; Legal Counsel Report; and Proposed Order
- GPA Docket No. 24-12: Petition of the Guam Power Authority to Approve the Two (2) Consecutive Year Extension of the Residual Fuel Oil (RFO) No. 6 Supply Contract with Hyundai Corporation; ALJ Report; and Proposed Order
- GPA Docket No. 24-13: Petition of the Guam Power Authority to Approve the Extension of the Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) Storage Lease Agreement with Tristar Terminals Guam, Inc.; ALJ Report; and Proposed Order
- GPA Docket No. 24-14: Petition of the Guam Power Authority to Approve Procurement of Supply of Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel (ULSD) for the Various Power Generating Plant Site Locations; ALJ Report; and Proposed Order
- GPA Docket No. 24-15: Petition of the Guam Power Authority to Approve the Award of 20MW of Temporary Power; ALJ Report; and Proposed Order
5. Administrative Matters
- Notice of Resignation of Commissioner [for informational purposes only]
6. Adjournment
Further information about the meeting may be obtained from the PUC’s Administrator Lourdes R. Palomo at 671-472-1907. Those persons who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services to attend the meeting should also contact Mrs. Palomo.
This Notice is paid for by the Guam Public Utilities Commission