Cannabis Control Board (CCB) Meeting - 10 JUN 2024

Cannabis Control Board (CCB) Meeting - 10 JUN 2024


Cannabis Control Board (CCB) Meeting to be held on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom Video Conference.

Meeting Link:

Livestream: Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation – Facebook page


I.   Call to Order
II.  Roll Call of Members/Quorum
III. Secretary's Report 
        A. CCB Meeting #53 Minutes - April 01, 2024 (Pending)
IV. Old Business
        A. Annual Cannabis Summit
        B. DRT-CEL-2023-001: Greenland Farms, Inc. (Tabled)
        C. DRT-CEL-2023-002: Blue Wave, Inc. (Tabled)
V.  New Business
        A. Cannabis Identification Card Application(s) - Responsible Official (New):
             1. CRUZ, Charles John Gumataotao - DBA: Biocultural Diversity, LLC.
VI. Other Discussion
        A. Bill 260-37
VII. Next CC Board Meeting
VIII. Open Forum/Public Comment
IX. Adjournment
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