DISID Request for Proposals Providing Various Professional Services (RFP 01-2025; RFP 02-2025; RFP 03-2025)

DISID Request for Proposals Providing Various Professional Services (RFP 01-2025; RFP 02-2025; RFP 03-2025)


The Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities (DISID) is soliciting proposals from private, public, for-profit or non-profit organizations, companies or individuals interested in providing: 1. 24-Hour/7-Days a Week Residential Care for Adults with Profound Intellectual and/or Cognitive Disabilities; 2. Respite or In-Home Care Services for Children and Adults with Chronic Disabilities; and 3. Community Habilitation Services for Individuals with Moderate to Severe lntellectual/Cognitive, Developmental, or other Significant Disabilities.

A proposal package is available for review online at www.disid.guam.gov/rfp or can be picked up at the DISID Director's Office located at 138 East Marine Corps Drive, Jones & Guerrero Commercial Plaza, Suite ClOl, Hagatiia during weekdays (except holidays) between 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. DlSID requires that the prospective Offerors register with DlSID to ensure they receive notices regarding any changes or updates to the RFP. Official communications, clarifications and amendments to the RFP will be sent to all registered Offerors and posted on DISIDs website. A registration form is provided with the RFP as Form A. DISID will not be liable for failure to provide notice to any Offeror that does not register contact information.

Written questions regarding this RFP must be addressed to DISID's Director and delivered through U.S. Mail, hand delivery, or facsimile at (671) 477-9183 no later than 4:30 PM Chamorro Standard Time, on FRIDAY, June 28, 2024. All correspondence will be recorded, considered confidential, and timely responded to in the form of an answer or amendment, whichever is applicable in accordance with Guam Procurement Regulations. Electronic mail (email) is not acceptable. The DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF PROPOSALS is no later than 4:30 PM Chamorro Standard Time, MONDAY, July 8, 2024.

All proposals must be submitted ONLY via U.S. Mail, courier, or hand delivery and must be addressed to the DISID Director. DISID shall have the right to reject all proposals or offers that have been submitted in response to this RFP, and/or may cancel this RFP at any time if the Director determines such to be in the interest of DISID or if allowed by law or regulation.

For special accommodations, call the Director's Office at (671) 475-4624.
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