Guam Invasive Species Council Meeting

Guam Invasive Species Council Meeting


  1. I. Call to Order
    II. Roll Call
    a. GISC voting members
    i. Guam Department of Agriculture (DOAG)
    ii. Guam Customs and Quarantine Agency (CQA)
    iii. Port Authority of Guam (PAG)
    iv. Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR)
    v. Guam International Airport Authority (GIAA)
    vi. Mayors Council of Guam (MCOG)
    vii. University of Guam (UOG)
    viii. Northern Soil and Water Conservation District (NSWCD)
    ix. Southern Soil and Water Conservation District (SSWCD)
    x. Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense (GHS/OCD)

    GISC non-voting members
    1. USDA APHIS/ PPQ and Wildlife Service
    2. Governors Office
    3. Guam Environmental Protection Agency
    4. Bureau of Statistics and Planning (BSP)
    5. Joint Task Force - Micronesia
    Department of the Navy, Naval Facilities, Marianas (NAVFAC)
    1. Chamber of Commerce
    2. Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS)
    3. Port Users Group Guam (PUGG)
    III. Approval of Meeting Agenda
    IV. Approval of last meeting minutes from October 28, 2021
    V. Chairperson’s opening remarks
    a. DOAG Co-Chair
    b. CQAA Co-Chair
    VI. Financial Report
    Invasive species Inspection Fee Fund
    1. FY 2022
    2. FY 2023
    3. FY 2024 (Still in current year)
    VII. GISC Member Reports
    VIII. Non-voting member reports 
    IX. Partner Reports
    VII. Technical Committee Report
    a. GISAC
    VIII. Old Business
    IX. New Business
    a. Council Mandates (P.L. 31-43)
    X. New Pest Alerts
    a. Hog plum beetle, Podontia quatoudecimpunctata
    XI. New Pest interceptions
    a. Velvet longhorned beetle, Trochoferus campestris
    XII. Discussions/ Comments
    XIII. Announcements- GISC quarterly meetings
    a. 1st quarter - October 9, 2024
    b. 2nd Quarter - January 8, 2025
    c. 3rd Quarter - April 9, 2025
    d. 4th Quarter - July 9, 2025
    XIV. Adjournment


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