GMHA Board of Trustees Meeting

GMHA Board of Trustees Meeting


Guam Memorial Hospital Authority – Board of Trustees Meeting
July  24, 2024 | 5:00 p.m. | Zoom Video Conference

BOARD MEMBERS: Theresa Obispo, Chairperson; Edgar Aguilar, Vice-chairperson; Sharon Davis, Secretary; Sonia Siliang, Treasurer;  Michael Um, MD, Trustee; Teresa Damian-Borja, MD, Trustee , Antoinette Kleiner, Trustee



  1. Welcoming | Call Meeting to Order and Determination of Quorum
Chairperson Obispo
  1. Open Government Compliance
    1. Publication, July 17, 2024
    2. Publication, July 22, 2024
    3. GovGuam Notices Portal & Website Posting
  1. Review and Approval of the Minutes
  1. June 26, 2024
All Trustees
  1. Old Business
    1. Res. 2024-34, Relative to Approval of Patient Receivable Accounts Batch No. 2024-004
    2. Res. 2024-40, Relative to Approval of COVID-19 Patient Receivable Accounts Batch No. 2024-005
    3. Res. 2024-41, Relative to Approving Forty-Nine (49) New Fees
All Trustees
  1. New Business
Please see Board Subcommittee Reports
All Trustees
  1. Management’s Report
Executive Management
  1. Guam Memorial Hospital Volunteers Association Report
GMHVA President
  1. Board Subcommittee Reports
  1. Joint Conference and Professional Affairs
    1. Res. 2024-42, Relative to the Reappointment of Active Medical Staff Privileges
    2. Res. 2024-43, Relative to the Appointment of Provisional Medical Staff Privileges
    3. Res. 2024-44, Relative to the Appointment of Active Associate Medical Staff Privileges
    4. Res. 2024-45, Relative to the Appointment of Full Allied Health Professional Staff Privileges
    5. Res. 2024-46, Relative to the Appointment of Provisional Allied Health Professional Staff Privileges
    6. CY2023 Strategic Goal: 5 Engage Physicians
  2. Human Resources
    1. CY2023 Strategic Goal 4: Engage the Healthcare Workforce
  3. Facilities, Capital Improvement Projects, and Information Technology
    1. Critical Infrastructure Projects ($20M ARPA Funding)
    2. CY2023 Strategic Goal 2: Enhance Infrastructure & Technology
  4. Quality and Safety
    1. CY2023 Strategic Goal 3: Transform Healthcare Services
  5. Finance and Audit
    1. Res. 2024-47, Relative to Approval of Patient Receivable Accounts Batch No. 2024-006
    2. Res. 2024-48, Relative to the Remuneration of Emergency Medical Providers
    3. CY2023 Strategic Goal 1: Achieve Financial Viability
  6. Governance, Bylaws, and Strategic Planning
    1. CY2023 Strategic Goal 6: Engage & Partner with the Community
Trustee Dr. Um
Chairperson Obispo
Trustee Davis
Trustee Kleiner
Vice-chairperson Aguilar
Trustees Dr. Borja, Siliang
  1. Public Comment
  1. Adjournment
Chairperson Obispo

Link to Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 889 2761 9303
Passcode: 907879

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