SECOND NOTICE - Guam Election Commission Regular Meeting

SECOND NOTICE - Guam Election Commission Regular Meeting


Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 3:00 p.m.
Guam Election Commission Regular Meeting
Election Headquarters, GEC Conference Room Suite 205
241 Farenholt Ave. Oka Building, Tamuning
Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 9:00 p.m.
Election Return Center, University of Guam Calvo Field House, Mangilao


For meeting livestream, visit GEC’s website at



I.    Call to Order - Certification of a Quorum Present
II.   Certification - Public Notice Requirements – Guam Daily Post and Guam Public Notice Website (7/29/2024 & 7/31/2024)
III.  Approval of Agenda
IV.  Approval of Minutes

a.   August 1, 2024 Regular Meeting

V.   Brief Summary of Election Day Issues and Concerns

a. Commissioners

b. Executive Director

VI.  Tabulation Center

a.  Order to print out Reports to certify that totals on Tabulators are cleared out and ready to begin Tabulation

b.  Order to Begin Tabulation


c.  Review Unofficial Results


VII.  Other Items

a.     Administrative Complaints

b.   Write-ins

c.   Processing of Provisional Ballots

d.   Processing of Absentee Ballots

e.   Election Issues, Challenges and Complaints

VIII.  Next Meeting
IX.    Recess

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