SECOND NOTICE - Guam Election Commission Regular Meeting

SECOND NOTICE - Guam Election Commission Regular Meeting


Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.
Guam Election Commission Regular Meeting
GEC Conference Room Suite 205
241 Farenholt Ave. Oka Building, Tamuning
For meeting livestream, visit GEC’s website at




I.   Call to Order - Certification of a Quorum Present
II.  Certification - Public Notice Requirements – Guam Daily Post and Guam Public Notice Website (9/12/2024 & 9/16/2024)
III. Approval of Agenda
IV. Approval of Minutes

a.  August 13, 2024 Regular Meeting

b.  August 16, 2024 Reconvened Meeting

c.  August 21, 2024 Reconvened Meeting

V.  Correspondence

a.  August 15, 2024 – Chief Justice Robert J. Torres, Jr.  Re: Judicial Retention Election: Declaration of Candidacy

b.  August 19, 2024 – Mr. Delbert Diaz Calvo Re: Write-in names

c.  August 27, 2024 – Judge Vernon P. Perez Re: Declaration of Candidacy

d.  September 1, 2024 – Mr. William P. Stodden Re: 2024 Presidential Campaign Ballot

VI. Executive Director’s Report

a. 2024 Elections

i.  Timeline

1.  Early Voting – 2024 General Election

b. Absentee Voting

c. Precinct Officials

d. Monthly Voter by Precinct Report

e. Online/Motor Voter Registration and Pre-Registration

f.  Monthly Financial Report/U.S. Election Assistance Commission Grant

g. Office of the Inspector General – U.S. Election Assistance Commission Audit

h. Election Campaign Contributions and Expenditures Report Filings

VII. Old Business

a. Campaign Finance Committee

b. Modernizing Election Process

i.  Social Media Presence

VIII. New Business

a. Executive Director Performance Evaluation

IX.   Legal Counsel

a. Guam Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Guam Nurses Association, et al. v. Douglas B. Moylan, et al.

X.    Public Comment
XI.   Next Meeting
XII.  Adjournment

For individuals requiring special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services,
please contact Christiana Ramirez at (671) 477-9791 or send an email to
671.477.9791 (tel.) ● 671. 477.1895 (fax) ● (e-mail) ● (website)
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