1st Notice of October 22, 2024 PDSC Board of Trustees' Regular Meeting

1st Notice of October 22, 2024 PDSC Board of Trustees' Regular Meeting


The Public Defender Service Corporation Board of Trustees will conduct its regular meeting on Tuesday, October 22, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. via videoconference (Zoom) in the PDSC conference room, located at the MVP Sinajana Commercial Building, Unit B, 779 Route 4, Sinajana, Guam 96910. 
The meeting will be streamed live on YouTube at www.youtube.com/@pdscguam
The following agenda is available on the PDSC website at www.guampdsc.org.
I.        Call to Order

II.       Roll Call

III.      Determination of a Quorum

IV.        Proof of Due Notice of Meeting:
            A. Notice: 5 Working Days, Public Notices Portal /PDSC/Guam Post           Tuesday, October 15, 2024
            B. Notice: 48 Hours, Public Notices Portal/PDSC/Guam Post                           Friday, October 18, 2024

V.         Approval of Minutes:                                                                    September 24, 2024 Regular Meeting

VI.        Old Business
  1. Financial Status Update / Allotment Releases (PDSC, APD, CLC )  
  2. Report from PDSC Executive Director                                                                (EXHIBIT A) 
  3. Report from APD Managing Attorney                                                                  (EXHIBIT B) 
  4. Report from CLC Managing Attorney                                                                  (EXHIBIT C) 
  5. Executive Director Compensation & Classification                                             (EXHIBIT D)
  6. Sixth Amendment Center Projects                                                                                  
VII.       New Business
  1. Executive Director Performance Historic Summary
  2. APD Managing Attorney Performance Historic Summary
  3. PDSC Donor Leave Bank policy
  4. Survey Monkey Results for the Executive Director & Managing Attorney Evaluations
  5. Open Government Law and Board of Trustees Executive Session Memo
VIII.     Executive Session
  1. Executive Director Performance Evaluation                                                       (EXHIBIT E)
  2. APD Managing Attorney Performance Evaluation
  3. Complaints/Grievances Discussion and Response                                            
IX.        Public Discussion

X.         Adjournment and Next Meeting Date:       Tuesday, November 26, 2024 at 12:30 p.m. via Zoom/
YouTube/PDSC Conference Room
Copies of the agenda and meeting packet will be available prior to the meeting at Public Defender Service Corporation and on its website at www.guampdsc.org.
Closed captioning available on livestream. 
Person(s) needing special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services,
 please contact Robbie T. Call at 671-475-8301 or rcall@guampdsc.org
This ad was paid for with Government of Guam funds.

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