CLTC Board of Commissioner Regular Meeting

CLTC Board of Commissioner Regular Meeting



      I.  Call to Order – Certification of a Quorum Present 
  1. Certification – Public Notice Requirements
    1. Guam Daily Post (11/14/2024 and 11/19/2024)
    2. Guam Public Notice Website (
    3. CLTC Facebook Page 
  2. Approval of Minutes                       August 15, 2024 (Regular Board Meeting)                                           
  3. Administrative Director’s Report 
  4. Old Business
    1.  Lot 10122-15 (Global Recycling/Koku Recycling)
    2.  Bill 179-37
    3.  Lot No. 5174-REM-1, Tamuning Lease: Nicole Kelly
    4.  Lot 7161-R1, Public Law 37-125
    5.  Transcript of Meeting minutes 
  5. New Business - None
  6. Public Comment (s)
  7. Adjournment
  8. Next Meeting – Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 1:00 PM                                                                                                                  CLTC Conference Room, Suite 223, 2nd Floor  ITC Building, Tamuning, Guam 96913
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