Invitation for Bid: GIAA-001-FY25 Janitorial and Maintenance Services

Invitation for Bid: GIAA-001-FY25 Janitorial and Maintenance Services


The complete IFB packet is available for public inspection at the GIAA Administration Office and for download from GIAA's website at A non-refundable payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) in cash, or certified check or cashier's check is required for an electronic file (.pdf format) on a USB flash drive, which can be obtained at the GIAA Administration Office. All prospective bidders must register by submitting to GIAA the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form included as part of this IFB. GIAA shall not be liable for failure to provide notice(s) or addenda to any bidder who does not submit an Acknowledgement of Receipt Form.
GIAA reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any and all informalities, and to disregard all nonconforming or conditional bids or counter proposals when in GIAA' s opinion, such rejection or waiver will be in GIAA's best interest. For additional information, contact the single point of contract, Ms. Kathrina Bayson, GIAA Procurement Office, via email at
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