NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Guam Public Utilities Commission [PUC] will conduct a regular business meeting, commencing at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 241 Farenholt Avenue, Oka Bldg., 2nd Floor, Suite 205, Tamuning, Guam.
The following business will be transacted:
1. Call to Order
2. Approval of Minutes of January 30, 2025 Regular Meeting
3. PAG Docket No. 25-01: Petition – IFB-PAG-CIP-021-005 Waterline Replacement Project – Ten Percent (10%) Increase in Funding; ALJ Report; and proposed Order.
4. GWA Docket No. 25-05: Petition to Approve a Fund Increase to the JMI-Edison Contract for Wastewater Treatment Chemicals and to Ratify Expenditures; ALJ Report; and proposed Order.
5. GPA Docket No. 24-25: Petition of the Guam Power Authority to Approve Phase IV Renewable Energy Acquisition Award to KEPCO-EWP-Samsung C&T Consortium and Core Tech Solar Energy LLC, for up to 192 MW of Renewable Energy Capacity; Certification of the Chief ALJ Concerning the GPA’s Phase IV Renewable Energy Purchase Agreement with Kes Yona Solar LLC.
6. GPA Docket No. 25-07: Petition of the Guam Power Authority for Authorization to Procure Strategic Program Management Office for GPA’s Future Projects; Legal Counsel Report and proposed Order.
7. GPA Docket No. 25-08: Petition of the Guam Power for Approval of Additional Projected Costs of Urea Supply Contract; ALJ Report; and proposed Order.
8. FYI - FY2024 PUC FOIA Annual Report and Amended Report
9. Executive Session Regarding Pending Litigation
Further information about the meeting may be obtained from the PUC’s Administrator Lourdes R. Palomo at 671-472-1907. Those persons who require special accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services to attend the meeting should also contact Mrs. Palomo.
This Notice is paid for by the Guam Public Utilities Commission.