FIRST NOTICE: Government of Guam Retirement Fund Board of Trustees Regular Board Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 12:30 p.m. in the Retirement Fund Conference Room, 424 Route 8, Maite.
For individuals requiring special accommodations, please contact the Board of Trustees’ Office at 475-8900.
DEFINED CONTRIBUTION I. Call to Order; II. Review and Approval of Board Minutes: A. 2/21/2025 Regular Meeting; III. Correspondence: A. None; IV. Director's Report: 1. Approval of Contract Extension – Mercer Investment, LLC; V. Third Party Administrator's Report: A. Contribution Report- February 2025; VI. Standing Committee Reports: A. Investment Committee - 1. Action on Fund Manager(s) – Searches; 2. Action on Fund Manager(s) – Watch; B. Members and Benefits Committee; VII. Old Business: A. None; VIII. New Business: A. None; IX. Open Discussion / General Public Input; X. Announcements; XI. Adjournment
DEFINED BENEFIT I. Call to Order; II. Review and Approval of Board Minutes: A. 2/21/2025 Regular Meeting; III. Correspondence: A. None; IV. Director's Report; V. Legal Counsel’s Report: A. None; VI. Treasurer's Report of Financial Status: A. Cash Flow – Principal Drawdown Authorization; VII. Standing Committee Reports: A. Investment Committee - 1. Action on Fund Manager(s) – Searches;
2. Action on Fund Manager(s) – Watch; B. Members and Benefits Committee – 1. Approval of Retirement Benefits; 2. Disability Case No. 24-004; VIII. Old Business: A. None; IX. New Business;
X. Open Discussion / General Public Input; XI. Announcements; XII. Adjournment
2. Action on Fund Manager(s) – Watch; B. Members and Benefits Committee – 1. Approval of Retirement Benefits; 2. Disability Case No. 24-004; VIII. Old Business: A. None; IX. New Business;
X. Open Discussion / General Public Input; XI. Announcements; XII. Adjournment
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