The Guam Environmental Protection Agency (Guam EPA) is notifying the general public and other interested parties that it is issuing a Request for Proposals (RFP) for: Professional Services to be performed by a Botanist/Ecologist in Guam’s 2021 National Wetland Condition Assessment (NWCA). A hard copy of the RFP can be picked up at Guam EPA’s Main Office, Building #17-3304, Mariner Avenue, Tiyan, between 8:00am and 4:30pm weekdays (except holidays) for a fee. Requests for a copy can also be made HERE. No pre-proposal conference will be held. Any comments or questions must be in written form and submitted either by mail or hand delivery to Guam EPA’s Main Office located at #17-3304, Mariner Avenue, Tiyan Barrigada, Guam 96913-1617. Comments must be received by Guam EPA or post marked no later than 4:00 pm, Friday, April 16, 2021. Details are outlined in the RFP packet. Deadline for proposals is 4:30 pm CHST Monday, May 3, 2021. Facsimile and electronic submittals will not be accepted.
Request for Proposals (RFP) - GEPA-2021-2200-001