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Regular Meeting: GEDA, a public corporation, shall hold a public meeting of its Board of Directors on Thursday; February 29, 2024, at the hour of 1:30 p.m. at Suite 511, Fifth Floor, Guam International Trade Center (GITC) Building, 590 South Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam.
FIRST NOTICE | GEDA Board of Directors Meeting February 29, 2024
The Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) is still without access to Butorphanol, a narcotic pain medication often used during labor to alleviate pain. Formerly known as Stadol, the medication is also used as a part of the anesthesia for surgery and cardiac procedures. GMHA has a supply of 2nd-line medications to use while it awaits back-ordered shipments of Butorphanol to arrive.
The Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) is still without access to Butorphanol, a narcotic pain medication often used during labor to alleviate pain. Formerly known as Stadol, the medication is also used as a part of the anesthesia for surgery and cardiac procedures.
The Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) is ensuring pregnant mothers and the community at large that epidurals for the safe management of pain during pregnancy remain available at GMHA. However, a particular medication used for the same purpose is unavailable due to delays in manufacturing, resulting in a national shortage.
GMH: Safe, Effective Pain Management for Childbirth Available
Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) is proud to announce the launch of its first Pediatrics Family Advisory Council (PFAC), supported by the GEDA QC3 Series 6 Grant, a milestone achievement.
GMHA Hosts its 1st Pediatrics Family Advisory Council
The Panda Cares Foundation, the charitable branch of the Panda Express restaurants, awarded the Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) a grant for high priority equipment valued at $76,090.00.
Panda Cares Donates New Cribs and an Incubator to GMHA