October 13, 2022
GDOE and DPHSS to Deliver 3,900 Test Kits to GDOE Schools
In conjunction with the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity (ELC) program under the Guam Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) began delivering COVID-19 test kits to our public schools.
Earlier this week, GDOE received 780 of the 3,900 test kits that will be distributed to all GDOE students and school personnel. Each student and employee will receive 3 kits - a total of 6 tests.
The GDOE School Climate Culture and Engagement (SCCE) team started delivering test kits to the following schools yesterday:
AsTumbo Elementary School
AsTumbo Middle School
Finegayan Middle School
Maria A. Ulloa Elementary School
Okkodo High School
Vicente S.A. Benavente Middle School
Wettengel Elementary School
Parents and guardians may call their children’s respective schools for more information on the distribution plan of the test kits or can contact Aaron Arizala from the DPHSS ELC program at aaron.arizala@dphss.guam.gov.