Administration Expedites Procurement for School Repairs

Administration Expedites Procurement for School Repairs


Hagåtña, Guam - The Office of the Governor announces that the first series of Purchase Orders (PO) are now available to the Guam Department of Education (GDOE) to support various repairs of the island’s public schools.  The POs are a result of procurement done by the Guam Homeland Security/Office of Civil Defense (GHS/OCD) through a request submitted by GDOE through the Disaster Local Area Network (DLAN).   

The Purchase Orders are for the purchase of hardware, construction supplies, and fencing materials and will be followed by additional procurement for services. Vendors include Benson Guam Enterprises, Inc., J K Tile Store, Guam Home Center, Tsang Brothers Corp., MS Builders Inc. dba Fence, and Awesome Enterprise dba T&W Home Improvement. These POs were opened on August 16, 2023 and are an example of procurement that will have to be canceled if an amendment requiring the remittance of $20 million to GDOE remains in the Fiscal Year 2024 budget. 

Last Friday, Governor Lou Leon Guerrero met with GDOE leadership. Parties understood that if the aforementioned amendment remained in the FY2024 budget, the administration would be forced to terminate the POs which were opened two days prior. Additionally, the administration would need to terminate other ongoing procurement efforts as the $20 million in question is the funding source for these procurements. This means GDOE would have to restart the procurement process. As the procuring entity, GDOE would also be responsible for all of the documentation required to receive FEMA assistance and reimbursement.

GDOE officials advised Governor Leon Guerrero that they would prefer to remain on the current course of procurement and issued a media statement disclosing the same. 

More procurement, including mold remediation, are expected to follow.


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