Acting Governor Tenorio Requests 60-Day Extension for Comment Period of MDA Flight Test Environmental Assessment

Acting Governor Tenorio Requests 60-Day Extension for Comment Period of MDA Flight Test Environmental Assessment


Hagåtña, Guam— Today, Acting Governor Josh Tenorio wrote to Lieutenant General Heath Collins of the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) to request a sixty (60) day extension for the people of Guam to comment on the Environmental Assessment/Overseas Environmental Assessment (EA/OEA) for Proposed Missile Defense Flight Tests. 

The letter states that the extension would give the government of Guam additional time “to review the assessment thoroughly, consult relevant experts, and engage in meaningful discussions with our community stakeholders.” Acting Governor Tenorio underscored his greatest concern about any impacts on land owners, including the possibility of the need to evacuate their properties during testing.

Acting Gov. Tenorio’s letter states, “I am most especially concerned about any impacts on land owners, including the possibility of the need to evacuate their properties during testing. The proposed final EA/OEA states, ‘Out of an abundance of caution, the Department may request some landowners on the boundaries of AAFB remain away from their properties during test events to ensure their safety.’ The proposed final EA/OEA further states, ‘The Proposed Action may result in temporary public and private land access restrictions in the vicinity of AAFB. These temporary restrictions would be rare (one to two times per year) and would be in place for up to four days. Notice of restrictions would be provided well in advance of any necessary land closures, and the Department of Defense would coordinate with affected private landowners to relocate during this time period at no cost to the landowners. The land would not be used for any purpose during the Proposed Action and would only be restricted for safety purposes. Therefore, long-term and permanent impacts on land use as a result of the Proposed Action are not anticipated.’”

Acting Governor Tenorio states, “The assessment raised substantial concerns about the potential impacts on Guam.  The EA/OEA is a complex document, and the activities identified to deploy and test the missile defense system may have far-reaching implications. The interests of the people of Guam necessitate that we be given sufficient time and consideration to submit these concerns.” 


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