The Honorable Lourdes A. Leon Guerrero, Governor of Guam, and the Honorable Joshua F. Tenorio, Lieutenant Governor of Guam, through the Director of the Department of Public Works (DPW), is soliciting proposals for the following project:
1. Sealed proposals must be submitted to the 2nd Floor, Division of Highways Building Room 201, Department of Public Works, 542 North Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam 96913, no later than 4:00 P.M., on March 43, 2025. (edit: as per addendum no. 2)
2. The Request for Proposal (RFP) and any Addenda can be downloaded at:
All RFP documents and related Addenda can be obtained at the 2nd Floor, Division of Highways Building Room 201, Department of Public Works, 542 North Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam 96913.
3. Dates are subject to change. In the event of date changes, notifications will be provided by Addenda.
4. A mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference / Teleconference will be held at the DPW on December 21, 2024, at 9:00 A.M., via a teleconference call and in-person [limited space available]. To reserve, please call DPW at (671) 649-3121 or email The call-in number is outlined in Section IX. General Requirements, (2) Pre-Proposal Conference/Teleconference. All prospective proposers are required to call in or attend in person. Items discussed in the Pre-Proposal Conference will be made part of the contract documents.
5. Submission of sealed proposals will remain at the Department of Public Works. Electronic submission will not be accepted. For more details on the submission process, please refer to RFP Section IX: General Requirements.
1. Sealed proposals must be submitted to the 2nd Floor, Division of Highways Building Room 201, Department of Public Works, 542 North Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam 96913, no later than 4:00 P.M., on March 4
2. The Request for Proposal (RFP) and any Addenda can be downloaded at:
All RFP documents and related Addenda can be obtained at the 2nd Floor, Division of Highways Building Room 201, Department of Public Works, 542 North Marine Corps Drive, Tamuning, Guam 96913.
3. Dates are subject to change. In the event of date changes, notifications will be provided by Addenda.
4. A mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference / Teleconference will be held at the DPW on December 21, 2024, at 9:00 A.M., via a teleconference call and in-person [limited space available]. To reserve, please call DPW at (671) 649-3121 or email The call-in number is outlined in Section IX. General Requirements, (2) Pre-Proposal Conference/Teleconference. All prospective proposers are required to call in or attend in person. Items discussed in the Pre-Proposal Conference will be made part of the contract documents.
5. Submission of sealed proposals will remain at the Department of Public Works. Electronic submission will not be accepted. For more details on the submission process, please refer to RFP Section IX: General Requirements.
/s/ Vincent P. Arriola, Director
Department of Public Works
Department of Public Works

Telephone: (671) 646-3452
Fax: (671) 646-3449