Road Safety Reminder for the Week
Emergency Vehicles
Upon the approach of an authorized emergency vehicle (ambulance, police, fire equipment, civil defense, explosive ordinance, etc.) that is sounding a siren and/or displaying flashing red or blue lights, all highway users must yield the right-of-way (Motor Vehicle Code of Guam Section 3333).
- The operators of all other vehicles shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the highway clear of any intersection and thereupon stop and remain in such position until such authorized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer.
- All pedestrians upon the highway shall remain in a place of safety until such authorized emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer.
According to Guam’s Traffic Violation Bureau’s (TVB) Traffic Fine Schedule
GCA (Guam Code Annotated) Code | Description | Eff. 01/01/14 |
3333.1 | Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle (Operator) | $200.00 |
3333.2 | Failure to Yield to Emergency Vehicle (Pedestrian) | $200.00 |
Guam Construction Update
Motorists are advised to drive cautiously through the construction zones, observe all posted speed limit and construction signs, and carefully heed flaggers (when present). Alternate routes and/or adjusting drive times when feasible are encouraged.
From Monday, 1/13/25 to Friday, 1/17/25 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, motorists are advised that the contractor will continue shoulder work along Route 14B and on the sidewalk. During this time, expect minimal lane shifts and intermittent lane closures.
From Monday, 1/13/25 to Friday, 1/17/25 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, motorists are advised that the contractor will continue shoulder work along Route 14 (Chalan San Antonio). During this time, expect minimal lane shifts and intermittent lane closures.
The DPW HMC crew will be striping Route 2 in Agat during the week. Work will occur between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM. The DPW asks motorists to please proceed with caution and remain alert for traffic control signs and work crews.
The DPW HMC crew will be striping Route 4 in Talofofo during the week. Work will occur between 7:00 AM and 3:30 PM. The DPW asks motorists to please proceed with caution and remain alert for traffic control signs and work crews.
The DPW HMC crew will be milling and paving Jose Herrera St and Lucas Rodriguez St in Agat Village. Work will occur between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM. The DPW asks motorists and residents to please proceed with caution and remain alert for traffic control signs and work crews.