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Hagåtña, Guam - Governor Lou Leon Guerrero announced the following appointments:
Marie P. Lizama joins the Department of Revenue and Taxation (DRT) as its Deputy Director. Lizama retired from Delta Airlines in 2018 where she served as Guam Sales Manager, receiving the 2015 Global Sales Platinum Circle Award. Lizama ended her 30-year career in the travel industry upon the repositioning of Delta Airlines from Japan and Micronesia. Lizama recently returned to the workforce in 2021 to lead the Business Services Unit of the American Job Center at the Guam Department of Labor. She holds a B.B.A. in Marketing from the University of Guam and is a recipient of its 2007 Distinguished Alumni Leadership Award.
Governor Leon Guerrero Appoints Longtime Business and Civic Leader Marie Lizama to DRT; Frank Leon Guerrero to Lead Marianas Regional Fusion Center
Hagåtña, Guam - The Guam Veterans Affairs Office (GVAO) calls on interested individuals to apply for training to become VA Accredited Representatives. Last month, the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) awarded $40,000 to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor to fund VA Accredited Representative Training for ten individuals. The funds were part of the recent $3.3 million awarded to the Government of Guam by DOI under the Office of Insular Affairs (OIA) Technical Assistance Program (TAP).
Guam Veterans Affairs Office Provides Training for 10 VA Accredited Representatives- Resumes Accepted Between July 21 to August 30
The Guam Department of Labor is getting ready to release another $14.8 million in federal aid to pandemic unemployment claimants. Of that amount, $7.4 million is in Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, $7.4 million is in Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation, and $12,600 is in Lost Wages Assistance.
GDOL Gets Ready to Release $14.8 Million in Unemployment Benefits
The Guam Department of Labor has created a how-to video to guide claimants all the way through the new process.
The video can be found on the agency’s website at, the agency’s YouTube page under Guam DOL, as well as Instagram TV under @hireguam.
GDOL Releases How-To Guide on Filling Out Work Search Records
By Zoom; At 9:00 a.m., Thursday, August 5, 2021, Bell Tower, 710 W. Marine Corps Dr., Hagatna, Guam. The public can access a live stream of this meeting on the CSC website.
CANCELLED- ZOOM; Civil Service Commission Meeting & Agenda for August 5, 2021