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Governor Lou Leon Guerrero and Lieutenant Governor Josh Tenorio, in partnership with the Mayors Council of Guam (MCOG), are proud to announce “Kontra i Piligru, Ta Fanachu,” or “Against All Peril, We Rise,” as the island’s 77th Liberation theme.
2021 Liberation Theme Reflects Spirit During WWII and Today
The Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation (“DRT”) announced today that it has processed and transmitted to the Treasurer of Guam additional EIP 3 Program payments for release.
From April 10, 2021 through July 1, 2021, DRT processed over 81,814 payments totaling $213.8 million.
The Guam Department of Revenue and Taxation Announces Additional Batches of EIP 3 Program Payments Processed and Released
The Department of Revenue & Taxation has processed and the Department of Administration will mail checks for or pay by direct deposit 1,403 tax year 2020 and prior income tax refunds this week.
A.B. Won Pat International Airport Authority, Guam (GIAA) presents "Vaccinate at Gate 8 – Destination: Guam Airport" in partnership with the Office of the Governor, the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), the Guam National Guard (GUNG) and United Airlines. The vaccination drive will take place July 9, 2021 from 1:00-5:00pm and include an aircraft tour, live entertainment and raffling of hotel vouchers valued over $100 to the first 200 individuals who register through our website at
"Vaccinate at Gate 8" - Vaccination Drive at Guam International Airport
Regular Meeting of the Guam Land Use Commission will be held on Thursday, July 8, 2021 @1:30 p.m., utilizing virtual Zoom Platform. Please call 649-5263, ext. 375 for Zoom Meeting ID/Passcode.
Meeting at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, July 8, 2021 at Bell Tower, 710 W. Marine Corps Dr., Anigua, Guam. For special accommodations call Eric D. Miller/ADA Coordinator at 647-1855. Calendar at /s/ Daniel D. Leon Guerrero, Executive Director
Civil Service Commission Meeting & Agenda for July 8, 2021
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