PAG Regular Board Meeting October 31, 2024

PAG Regular Board Meeting October 31, 2024


The Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors will hold its Regular meeting on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting will be held virtually. To view, visit: or
Agenda: I. Call to Order; II. Approval of Minutes September 26, 2024 Regular Board Meeting; III. Public Comments; IV. General Managers Report; V. Old Business; VI. New Business: 1. Request for $15K Employee Incentive Events Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday, 2. Approval of Board Resolution No. 2024-15 relative to requesting for creation of position of an Equipment Maintenance Manager and approval to not merge the Operations and Equipment Maintenance Divisions, 3. Approval of Board Resolution No. 2024-16 relative to authorizing the General Manager to issue a multi-step invitation for bid for the procurement of STS Gantry Cranes; VII. Adjournment. For any assistance/access or individuals with disabilities who may need special accommodations, please call 671-477-5931, ext. 201/202 or
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