The Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors will hold its Regular meeting on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 3:00 p.m. Meeting will be held virtually. To view, visit: or
Agenda: I. Call to Order; II. Approval of Minutes February 26, 2025 Regular Board Meeting; III. Public Comments; IV. General Managers Report; V. Old Business: 1. Request for Creation of Position Tariff Technician II and Tariff Technician III (motion to proceed with the transparency and disclosure processes as outlined in Section 6303(d) of Title 4, GCA and Rule 5.015 of the Port’s Personnel Rules and Regulations); VI. New Business: 1. Adoption of Board Resolution No. 2025-10 relative to petitioning the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for the approval of the award to BME and Sons, Inc. for Warehouse No. 1 Maintenance Project, 2. Adoption of Board Resolution No. 2025-11 relative to authorizing the release of the Port Readiness Plan to the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Transportation (DOT), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Government of Guam Agencies, Port Users, and Stakeholders to strengthen emergency preparedness, regional security, and economic stability, and to secure investments for infrastructure, modernization, and operational resilience, 3. Adoption of Board Resolution No. 2025-12 relative to expanding and promoting in-sourced port services through the special service request process by establishing clear guidelines, enhancing stakeholder engagement, streamlining requests, and maximizing revenue opportunities. VII. Adjournment.
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